• eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Other Library Materials


    Destiny Discover eBooks and eAudiobooks

    Access both eBooks and eAudiobooks via this service. Log in with your Parkway Google Account.

    Sora eBooks and eAudiobooks

    Access both eBooks and eAudiobooks via this service, which is also available as an app for your phone. Log in with your Parkway Google Account.

    SLCL Audiobooks

    Quickly locate eAudiobooks and eBooks from the eMedia page of the St Louis County Library web site.

    Book Collection:  Nonfiction

    This EBSCOhost database contains nonfiction books online that cover a variety of topics such as biographies, music, sports, technology, etc.

    EBSCO eBook Collection

    Ebooks from EBSCOhost that cover a wide range of topics.

    Project Gutenberg

    This website contains over 40,000 free ebooks that can be read on the computer, downloaded to a device, or listened to.  Many of the ebook are classics whose copyrights have expired.

    St Louis County Library (SLCL)

    The St. Louis County Library web site allows you to search and request books, research in subject databases, and much more.

    St Louis Public Library

    The St Louis Public Library web site (in St. Louis City).


    MOBIUS is a combined catalog of the books, materials, etc. in Missouri's college libraries.