• Mrs. Julie Weindel

    Business Education 



    Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year!  I am excited to be teaching business education at Parkway Central High School.  Prior to PCHS, I taught business education for 9 years at Washington High School in Washington, MO.  I also worked in the advertising/marketing field for 12+ years at TMP Directional Marketing.  I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration-Marketing from Truman State University and a Masters in Teaching from Missouri Baptist University.  My husband Brian and I have two sons, James and Harry.  We all enjoy sports and spending time with our families.  

    To review course resources, assignments, and due dates, please visit your Schoology course at https://schoology.parkwayschools.net.  Please use your Google username and password to login to Schoology.  If you are a parent and would like a parent login for Schoology, please contact me at jweindel@parkwayschools.net.

    Please feel free to contact me at jweindel@parkwayschools.net or 314-415-7998.


    Mrs. Weindel