- Shenandoah Valley Elementary
- Frequently Asked Questions
School Information
Where is Shenandoah Valley Elementary located?
Posted by:15399 Appalachian Trail, Chesterfield MO 63017
What is the school mascot?
Posted by:The Shenandoah Valley Elementary School mascot is the panther.
What are the mission and vision statements of Shenandoah Valley?
Posted by:Our mission at SVE is to Love, Learn, and Lead.
We Love by…
Nurturing and caring for one another
Promoting belonging in a brave space
Creating inclusive experiences for our diverse learners
We Learn by…
Supporting the whole child
Building resilience
Practicing a growth mindset while taking risks
We Lead by…
Creating empathetic leaders
Empowering one another to grow their strengths
Serving others with our talents and time
Our vision at SVE is to create innovative leaders who seek to collaborate, solve problems creatively, build an inclusive community, and take risks to develop integrity and grow personally.
At Shenandoah Valley, staff members, parents, and the community work collaboratively to help children learn and be successful. The school’s staff focuses on providing an invitational environment which promotes a sense of belonging and self-worth for students and adults. Within this environment, high expectations are set for student achievement. There is a strong parent and volunteer base to draw from which strengthens and enhances the overall academic opportunities available at the school.