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After School Activities
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The opportunity for participation in a wide variety of student selected activities is a vital part of a student's educational experiences. These experiences contribute to the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of the student.
The activity programs at South Middle provide an excellent opportunity to meet new people with common interests and to make friends. Activities at South Middle are scheduled immediately after school with the exception of drama productions, music concerts, and some school parties which occur in the evening. Bus transportation is provided for the after-school activities.
Clubs and activities are for everyone! Intramural activities could include fleetball, basketball, indoor soccer, floor hockey, soccer, track meets, volleyball, cross country, and more! A sampling of the clubs at South Middle include: drama club, international club, chess, and music clubs. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in after-school activities.
Early in the school year, all students and parents will receive access to a booklet explaining specific after school activities and information about activity buses. Each day, announcements are read to inform students about particular upcoming activities.
Only Parkway students with a verified account are able to access the After-School Sign Up Form. Parents are encouraged to view the form along with their students.