• How does the PAA serve Parkway?

    The Parkway Alumni Association is committed to using 100% of your generous donation for the benefit of Parkway students, staff and alumni.

    The Parkway Alumni Association uses 100 percent of your generous donation for the benefit of the people of Parkway!  We provide the financial support for recognition programs that include Parkway’s Teachers of the Year, the Albert Awards for new teachers and the Light of Parkway Awards for operations staff. For alumni, the PAA publishes a newsletter and offers communications support to reunion planners.

    The PAA also sponsors the Granting Dreams program by providing financial support and other resources for Parkway K-12 students who are motivated to go beyond the classroom to pursue their learning goals. 

    In May 2020, we awarded $13,500 in grants to 240 Parkway students!  Students applied for grants for a wide array of educational purposes, including computer coding classes, leadership and sport camps, and musical instrument purchases.    

    Many of these students could not afford their dream without a grant from the PAA -- your gift can make it happen! When students are learning more about things they love, their leadership, confidence and sense of responsibility grow.

    How can you make a contribution?

    • Use payroll deduction during Parkway's Give 4 November campaign to make a monthly gift 
    • Give a check or cash to your school's Give 4 November building representative (please use a sealed envelope and include your name, address and phone number
    • Donate online with a credit card (see Donate button below):