• Industrial Technology /  PLTW Department

    Instructor: Todd Pannett

    Office / Room 326

    Phone: 314-415-7956

    E-Mail – TPannett@parkwayschools.net


    Industrial Technology Mission Statement

    The mission of the Industrial Technology Department/ CTE is that all students will obtain the skills, abilities and attitudes to be life-long learners and productive citizens with integrity, who successfully compete in a changing, global society.   



    Technology consists of invention, innovation, and other creative developments for producing physical objects and performing technical services through the application of organized knowledge and problem solving techniques.  Education in technology focuses on a systems approach to develop technological literacy.  Throughout industry, the systems of materials and processes, energy and power, and communication provide broad content areas of study.  Technology Education provides a vital link in the math/science/technology/information era.  Being of an interdisciplinary nature, Technology Education also helps students to comprehend and apply the natural, sciences, social sciences, and humanities.


     A holistic approach will be employed in Technology Education.  Each student is actively involved in activities that develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding both industry and technology.  Emphasis is given to nurturing leadership, communication, social interaction, problem solving, and manipulative skills.  Personal and social growths are fostered through interaction with other students in the lab.  The technological method of problem solving is experienced in identifying a problem, collecting and analyzing data, generating alternatives, synthesizing a design or plan, developing a proposed process and/or product, and evaluating the results.  Throughout this educational process, the students are taught to explore their potential vocational interests and to make wise consumer, citizen, and career decisions.