• Modern and Classical Languages

    Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.

    -Sarah Caldwell





    We offer four years of study in French, German, Latin, and Spanish.


    Courses offered by the foreign language and ESOL faculty are described in the online Course Guide.  Use this link to examine what is available, and to see if you have the prerequisite courses to enroll in class for upcoming semesters.


    The Foreign Language Honor Roll honors students who excel in their modern or classical language class.  All students who achieve a 3.7 GPA or better in languages with citizenship grades of S or better are automatically placed on this honor roll. It is posted on the bulletin board outside of the office, room 820. Seniors who have at least 8 semesters of grades in Foreign Languages in High School, have reached the highest possible class in at least one language, have a cumulative MCL GPA of 3.7 or better, with citizenship grades of S or better, join the Foreign Language Senior Honor Roll and may graduate with a green tassel.  Induction ceremonies are held each spring for eligible seniors.


    Tutoring: Students / Parents should discuss the need for tutoring with their teachers. Upper-level student tutors are usually available at no cost. Adult tutors may also be available for referral.


    College Credit for MCL courses may be gained through the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Credit may also be earned by Advanced Placement examinations. Click here for more information.


    Independent Study for MCL courses is NOT offered at Central High.  


    Travel Abroad opportunities are frequently offered by our teachers through ISE. The family stay component is what makes our trips such a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Ask your teacher when the next trip will be for your language group! 


    National Standards for Foreign Language Education:

    Click here for information on the National Foreign Language Standards from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.


    Further Information: 

    Click here for information on what the Common Core State Standards mean for Modern and Classical Languages.. 


    Why learn a foreign language

    Click in the space below for a video on "Why Study Foreign Languages!"



    Click in the space below for a video on celebrities who speak a Foreign Language!